St. Petersburg Conservatory

The role of St. Petersburg conservatory in the world musical culture is hard to overestimate. The conservatory is proud of generations of its graduates, among them we found the names of Peter Tchaikovsky, Sergey Prokofiev, Dmitry Shostakovich, Yevgeny Mravinsky, Ilya Musin, Georgy Sviridov, Sergey Slonomsky, Boris Tischenko, Yelena Obraztsova, Yury Temirkanov, Vladislav Tchernushenko, Irina Bogacheva, Anatoly Nikitin, Ekaterina Murina, Viktor Sumerkin, Yury Marusin, Anna Netrebko, Olga Borodina, Vasily Gerello, Valery Gergiev, and many other outstanding musicians. In 2012 the conservatory celebrated 150 anniversary of its rich history.

Today, St. Petersburg conservatory is one of the most famous music academies in the world; it has seven faculties, and an enrollment of over 1 500 students, 250 of whom are international students. The conservatory offers the highest possible professional training in all aspects of performance, composition, conducting, musicology, and art of choreographer. Our goal is to create academic environment that challenges and inspires students. Our outstanding faculty is dedicated to providing individually orientated approach to teaching and developing each student’s talent and professional skills. Many of the greatest contemporary artists in their fields serve as professors of the conservatory. Master classes, lectures in academic subjects and regular opportunities for public performance, both within and outside the conservatory, form an integral part of the conservatory’s training. The musicians who graduated from St. Petersburg conservatory perform at the most prestigious concert halls, work in the best orchestras, and teach at the highly reputable music schools and academies of the world.

Located in the heart of one of the most beautiful and inspiring cities, St. Petersburg conservatory gives international students the opportunity to have a high class professional education and get involved into cultural life with lots of concerts, music events, and theatre performances.

St. Petersburg,
Teatral'naya Ploschad', 3

+7 (812) 312 2129

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